701 Hwy 30 W, Dunlap, IA 51529, 712-643-5761

Sale Times for Tuesday, Dec. 10th @ 9:00 am Fed Cattle, followed by Weigh Cows & Bulls, Feeder Cattle @ 12:30pm then Bred Cows/Pairs/Breeding Bulls

We have some outstanding cow sales coming up. We love the cow business & love talking cows. Whether buying or selling we look forward to helping you with the process.


Fed Cattle/Weigh Cows Tues. Nov. 26th:

Fed Cattle were a couple dollars better & Weigh Cows were a couple dollars cheaper.

Fat Cattle (197 head):
Str. Top - $186
Str. Choice -$184-$186

Str. Select/Choice - $180-$183
2-Ways - $no test
Hfr. Top - $186
Hfr. Choice - $184-$186

Hfr. Select/Choice - $180-$183
2-Ways - $no test
Choice Holsteins - $no test
Select Holsteins – $no test
Fat Hfrts. - $155-$170
Weigh Cows (221 head): 
Fed Cows: $120-$132
Bulk Cows: $110-$125
Low Yield Cows: $70-$100
High Yielding Bulls: $148-$156
Bulk of Bulls: $130-$150
Cutting Bulls: $165-$190
Preg open hfrs: $190-$210
Hfrts: $140-$165

Special Bred Female Nov. 19th:

One of the better Bred Cow Auctions we have ever hosted. The quality was outstanding! The 34 hd of 2nd calf hfrs everyone fell in love with brought $3500. We sold over 200 Bred Hfrs that averaged $3048. Most Young Cows $2700-$3100. Med. Age Cows $2000-$2400 & Broken Mouth Cows $1800-$2150.


Western IA Precond. Feeder Nov. 22nd:

Precondition auction on Friday was well attended & saw light clvs dollars higher. Here are a few actual sales:

6 Strs 317# @$460                   16 Hfrs 380# @$342.50

9 Strs 418# @$387.50              9 Hfrs 486# @$308

28 Strs 529# @$327                 38 Hfrs 503# @$294   

53 Strs 613# @$280                 29 Hfrs 657# @$267   

10 Strs 716# @$273

Special Calf/Yrlg Nov. 15th:

Friday’s Calf/Yrlg Special was mostly new crop calves off the cow. Pen conditions have turned South which hasn’t helped the calf market. Demand for the 5wt Strs was still excellent with light 5wt Strs averaging $3.14.