701 Hwy 30 W, Dunlap, IA 51529, 712-643-5761
Sale Times for Tuesday, Jan. 14th @ 9:00 am Fed Cattle, followed by Weigh Cows & Bulls, Feeder Cattle @ 12:30pm then Bred Cows/Pairs/Breeding Bulls
Interesting rally on the grain table Friday. Almost strange to see a sparkle in that market.
Higher grain always seems like a win-win for the midwestern cattle feeder. They are in such a better position raising their own feed stuffs. With a cattle market like this it makes returns on cost of gains fantastic!
Fed Cattle/Weigh Cows Tues. Jan. 7th:
All time highs Tuesday w/ a top of $202. Weigh Cows are fully steady. Plenty of Fed Cows in the pipeline & that market has just been stagnant.
Fat Cattle (288 head):
Str. Top - $202
Str. Choice -$198-$202
Str. Select/Choice - $193-$198
2-Ways - up to $214.50
Hfr. Top - $200.25
Hfr. Choice - $198-$200.25
Hfr. Select/Choice - $192-$197
2-Ways – up to $211.50
Choice Holsteins - $no test
Select Holsteins – $no test
Fat Hfrts. - $160-$175
Weigh Cows (281 head):
Fed Cows: $130-$146
Bulk Cows: $108-$130
Low Yield Cows: $70-$100
High Yielding Bulls: $153-$166
Bulk of Bulls: $142-$158
Cutting Bulls: $185-$210
Preg open hfrs: $195-$225
Hfrts: $145-$175
Special Bred Female January 8th
Bred Cow Auction on Wednesday was super. Over 600 head w/ huge buyer interest in person & online. Over 200 Bred Hfrs averaged $3200 w/ a top of $3400. Most Young Cows $3000-$3300. Medium Age Cows $2700-$3100. Aged Cows $2000-$2400.
Western IA Precond. Fdr January 10th
Friday’s feeder auction featured right at 1750 preconditioned clvs. As Fed Cattle make all-time highs, feeders responded the same. Friday’s much higher grain trade didn’t affect Friday’s cash feeders. Here are a few actual sales:
28 Strs 544# @$353 5 Hfrs 374# @$381
19 Strs 605# @$341 15 Hfrs 464# @$349
16 Strs 714# @$309.50 34 Hfrs 621# @$300
67 Strs 847# @$287 31 Hfrs 729# @$271.75
Special Calf/Yrlg Dec. 13th:
Friday’s Calf/Yrlg Auction featured some high-quality calves coming right off cow & a nice string of Yrlg Hfrs. Here are a few actual sales:
3 Strs 191# @$1250/hd 6 Hfrs 440# @$344.50
7 Strs 259# @$1300/hd 23 Hfrs 659# @$271
14 Strs 578# @$316 132 Hfrs 725# @$257
12 Strs 607# @$312