Special Bred Female/Pairs/Bulls

Wednesday, December 4th @10:00AM *NOTE TIME*

Expecting 1000 Head

  • 125 Fancy 1st Calf Hfrs, super quality & bred to outstanding bulls. You'll really like the kind!
    • 42 Ang., AI'd safe to Topp Herf., due 2/1
    • 22 F1 Bwf. SD origin, AI'd safe to Final Answer Ang., due 2/1
    • 15 PB Herf. (no papers), AI'd safe Topp Herf., due 2/1
    • 18 Ang., mated Topp Herf., due 2/20 for 21 days
    • 11 Bwf, mated Final Answer Ang., due 2/20 for 21 days
    • 4 Herf., mated Topp Herf., due 2/20 for 21 days
    • 13 F1 Rwf, mated Ang., due 2/20 for 21 days

  • 45 Blk/Bwf 1st Calf Hfrs, AI'd KCF Fairbanks, cleaned w/ Wagonhammer bulls, due 2/10, hfrs originate off of Jefferys & Steenhard herd - VIDEO BELOW -

  • 24 Blk 1st Calf Hfrs, 1150#, Sandhills origin, AI'd Connealy Conquest, due 2/10 - VIDEO BELOW -

  • 15 Bwf 1st Calf Hfrs, KS origin, mated Ang. Bull, due 2/10 for 20 days
  • 7 Sim/AngX 1st Calf Hfrs, AI’d May We All, cleaned up w/ Sim/Ang Bull, due 2/15
  • 1 PB Herf. 1st Calf Hfr, papered & can be transfered, mated LBW Herf., due 5/10, halter broke & excellent disposition
  • Dispersal 290 Cows, consisting of: 40 Fancy Ang. Com. 4th Clvers & 250 Most. Blk/Red Cows 6-10 yrs old, mated outstanding Blk Sim Bulls, due 2/22, annual vac program & raise a powerful set of clvs every year! This years calf crop weighed 625-725# Nov. 1st, cows will be cake broke & easy to handle! Several outstanding 2-4 yr old Blk Sim bulls sell!
  • Dispersal 100 Blk Cows, 4-9yrs old, mated Blk Sim Bulls, due 4/25, this is a powerful set of momma cows, clvs always top our market!
  • 66 Fancy Blk/Bwf Cows, 2nd-4th clvers, mated outstanding Wagonhammer Sim Bulls, due 3/1 for 60 days, vac & mineral program
  • 45 Blk/Bwf Sim/Ang 2nd Clvers, SD origin, mated Nichols Ang., due 3/10 for 60 days, vac & mineral program, great disposition  
    • 40 Blk/Bwf Cows, 3-4 yrs old, MT origin, mated Werner Ang. Bulls, due 3/1
    • 35 Blk 2nd Clvers, Western origin as clvs, mated Upstream Herf. Bulls, due 2/1 for 30 days, ultrasound data, running stalks, all shots & mineral program, hot wire broke, great disposition - VIDEO BELOW -

    • 16 PB Char Cows(no papers), 5-8 yrs old, mated Blk, due Mar./Apr. - VIDEO BELOW -

    • 12 Blk/Bwf Cows, 3-5 yrs old, mated Blk, due 1/20
    • 10 HerfX Cows, solid mouth, mated Hood Char., due 4/1
    • 1 Roan Longhorn Cow, gentle, sells open! - PICTURE BELOW -

    • 9 2-4 yr old Blk Sim
    • 4 2yr Old Char - VIDEOS BELOW -
    • 1 4yr Tarentaise - VIDEO BELOW -

    Auction will be broadcasted at www.cattleusa.com

    Please go online to register for buyer number prior to auction date.