Special Bred Female/Pairs/Bulls

Wednesday, December 18th @11:00AM

  • 100 Reputation Blk 1st Calf Hfrs, 1 Iron MT origin, AI'd Patriarch, cleaned up with Wagonhamer Ang. Bulls, AI breds due 2/14, bull breds start 21 days later
  • 25 Blk/Bwf 1st Calf Hfrs, 1 iron Western Origin, AI'd WAR Warwagon(Ang), due 3/6, cleaned up w/ Wagonhammer Warwagon sons 21 days later, all vac, hot wire broke, great disposition - VIDEO BELOW -

  • 20 Red Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, mated LBW Radakovich Red Ang Bulls, due end of Feb/1st of Mar
  • 12 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, mated LBW Blk Radakovich Ang Bulls, due end of Feb/1st of Mar.
  • Dispersal 80 Blk/Red Cows, 4-10 yrs old, mated Lim or LimFlex, due 3/1
  • 60 Stout Most. Blk Cows, 4-9 yrs old, mated Ang. Bulls
  • 37 Fancy Blk 2nd Calf Hfrs, mated Upstream Herf. & Steel Ang., due 3/10
  • 9 Blk Ang. 2nd Calf Hfrs, mated Ang., due end of Feb/1st of Mar

Auction will be broadcasted at www.cattleusa.com

Please go online to register for buyer number prior to auction date.