Topf Ranch Females

Wednesday, December 11th @11:00AM


  • 90 Blk 1st calf Hfrs mated to Sons of Circuit Breaker, all from Schaff Angus Valley, due 3/24 for 21 days.
  • 70 F1X Bwf 1st calf Hfrs, sired out of Topp Herf Bulls, mated to Sons of Circuit Breaker, due 3/24 for 21 days.
The Str mates to these Hfrs gained 4.17#/day from weaning till harvest. These hfrs were all raised on the Topf Ranch in the NW South Dakota and have been running in local stalk fields since October. The hfrs are bred for maternal traits. Quality is outstanding.

 Bred Cows

  • 460 Blk Cows, 2nd-5th clvers, mated Sons of America, President, Harvester & Circuit Breaker, all from Schaff Angus Valley, due 3/25 for 60 days. Sorted into age groups.


  • 40 Blk Fall Pairs, 2nd-5th clvers, w/ Blk month old clvs at side.


This is a closed herd, all of these Hfrs & Cows were calved @ Topf Ranch in western South Dakota. All given full preconditioning shots as calves and have current preg guard, worm, poured, and Modified Live program.


All Cows & Hfrs out of Schaff Angus Valley genetics. After years of focusing on a Schaff based breeding program this herd represent maternal and carcass traits that are at the forefront of the beef industry. Fertility, uniformity, gain ability and finished grade are characteristics that have been the focus of Topf Ranch and will be apparent upon your first look. These females will be sorted and sold in any size lot suitable to the buyers.

For further info call Denny or Lori Topf @ Cell 712-269-9588, Jon Schaben 712-263-0755, or Donnie Stessman 712-263-7505.

Auction will be broadcasted at

Please go online to register for buyer number prior to auction date.