Special Bred Female/Pairs/Bulls

Tuesday, October 22nd @12:30PM


  • 50 Fancy Blk Ang. 1st Calf Hfrs, MT origin, mated LBW Fancy Herf. Bulls out of NE, due 2/20, ultrasound data - VIDEOS COMING SOON! -
  • Dispersal Most. Blk/Few Red Cows, 6yr-run. age, mated Blk or Red Production Tested Bulls, due 3/1 for 75 days  
  • Dispersal 178 Fancy Blk Cows: 15hd. 3rd clvers mated Cooper Herf. Bulls out of MT, 120hd. 6-7 yr olds mated Upstream Herf. Bulls, 43hd. Med. Age mated Weise Herf. Bulls, due 3/1, all cows originate off the Redlin Ranch from WY, all cows on a vac. program & had all pre-breeding shots, stout fancy set of momma cows, don't miss! - VIDEOS COMING SOON! -
  • 35 Blk/Red Pairs, 6-8yrs old, 30-60 day old clvs at side

Auction will be broadcasted at www.cattleusa.com

Please go online to register for buyer number prior to auction date.